Sunday, January 20, 2008

Emmylou Harris - Pancho and Lefty

From 1977, when her hair was still black and Rodney Crowell was very young, singing a song by another of my favorite artists (Townes van Zandt). However, Emmylou could sing her grocery list and I'd listen...

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. I still have my original For the Sake of Song album. It's one of my most prized possessions. Van Zandt was one of the best songwriters to ever come out of Texas, bar none.

    And Emmylou? It just doesn't get any better than Emmylou.

    Thank you for this, badtux. Just listening to this song makes the world slow down and fade away.

  2. wistfull, enigmatic, evocative, beautiful.

    townes was superb. and difficult.

    emmylou is a darling. as talented as she is kind.


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