Thursday, January 31, 2008

The myth of free trade

So Mexico can't subsidize its corn growers because that would be "unfree trade", but the U.S. can subsidize its corn growers because, well, because. It's called kicking the ladder out from under the developing world, and is all part of a plan created by the leading economic powers to make sure they have no competition from those pesky outsiders...

In short, "free trade" isn't. All it has accomplished, anywhere, is impoverishment and despair. In this case, at least, Pat Buchanan is right. Dunno whether he's getting smarter, or just being, like a stopped clock, right twice a day. Hmm, he endorsed GWB for President in 2004, so I guess he isn't getting any smarter...

-- Badtux the non-neoliberal Penguin

Hat tip to PolitickyBitch


  1. Excuse me Badtux, but i read a comment of yours, replying to a immigration solution of someone's here is URL:

    on ur comment, u said "olf IGB", is that a spelling error? I wanted evidence of border security being a success. please explain and email

  2. Free trade is only about some asshole sitting on a chair somewhere capitalizing on the exchange.

    Not that I don't believe in free trade, just that I don't think that middle men should be making all the profit for it as they sit on their asses.

  3. Badtux, I'm the spoilsport who rained all over "libertarian" Marko's parade earlier.
    Yours was the only rational response in this whole mess and for that, I'd like to commend you.
    I read further on your stuff - I'd heard of you but hadn't gotten around.
    Anyway, I like your take.
    Keep it up.
    Dan Brock

  4. PS. I know I'm off topic.
    My feelings won't be hurt if you dump this and my last.

  5. Hey thanks Badtux for shining a little more light on this subject. I do appreciate it. :)

    bbc, that was perfect


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