Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Romneybot is a liar?

Gasp! Pull out the smelling salts! An actual PAID REPORTER called Romney on one of his lies.

I'm sure, however, it was a one-time deal, and the rest of the reporters have properly learned their lesson that their job is stenography, not truth (the truth, of course, being that Romney's top campaign advisers are lobbyists and thus Romney was lying when he said he had no ties to lobbyists). Remember, folks, in Soviet America when a politician lies to you, your job as a reporter is to nod and dutifully record the lie. God forbid that you note that he is (gasp) LYING. Then you're being rude and argumentative and will not be invited to sit with the cool kids again.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. A reporter that called a liar on his lie.

    Imagine that.

    Oh, yeah, that's right, the reporter was doing his job.

    He'll probably get fired.

  2. They just hate it when someone calls "bullshit".


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