Thursday, January 10, 2008

The real election in New Hampshire

From Misfit and Brian, we learn that the election held in New Hampshire on Tuesday has a clear winner: Marty the Long-haired Cat, who is now the official Mount Washington Weather Station Cat-in-Resident, replacing recently-retired Nin who, due to failing health due to his advanced age, has been retired to lower altitudes nearer to his veterinarian. Experience won in New Hampshire -- Marty was the oldest candidate. The fact that he was running against two short-haired cats might also have tilted things in his favor, since the top of Mount Washington is one of the coldest and windiest places in the continental United States (quick, get Greg Palast on the phone! It's clear this election was *rigged*!).

I understand that there was also another election in New Hampshire that day. From what I understand, a politician won it. I have never met a politician that had soft silky fur, a pleasing purr, or the qualifications to be a master mouse catcher. They tend to be rather... reptilian... in visage and personality, now that I think of it, not warm and soft and cuddly like a friendly kitty. Really, I don't know why our so-called press gave so much space to that other election, when the really important election was right under their paw.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. I would be willing to bet (and I have written to the Observatory for confirmation) that Marty was named for Marty Engstrom, long-time weatherman for WMTW-TV, Channel 8, Portland, Maine. Marty was famous far and wide across northern New England.

    See, e.g.:

    Mr 618, the formerly Maine-owned non-penguin.

  2. Yet more evidence that the election was rigged! Unfortunately, Greg Palast has not returned my phone call. I guess he must have more important election fraud to ponder. Bummer.

    - Badtux the Election Penguin

  3. There were several write-ins that all three of the candidates ought to go to the Observatory. Alas, this was ignored.


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