Monday, January 28, 2008

What's a "Super Bowl"?

Is that a new kind of toilet bowl?

In other news, I recently heard that there are a bunch of fat men actually being paid to run around in tights, grunt, scratch their crotches, and play children's games. Imagine that. I mean, c'mon. Who other than these fat people's relatives and friends are gonna want to watch a buncha fat men play children's games?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
(who is *not* retrieving his television out of the closet to see what this "Super Bowl" thing is... his iceberg is already well equipped toilet-wise, thank you!)

1 comment:

  1. If you want another side of the picture, try living where they're having the 'event'. I'm just glad it will be over with in a week. Otherwise, I'd start dialing the folks who posted signs stating;'Rent your home for $1000 a day!', and look for lodgings elsewhere -- far, far away....


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