Monday, January 28, 2008

Crock pot recipes

I brought one home, a 2 quart one that's just penguin sized. Now I need recipes. Any suggestions? Please, no herring. Penguins eat their herring raw and whole. I must admit, however, a liking for chicken... seems somewhat like fratricide, but what can I say?

-- Badtux the Hungry Penguin


  1. Lining the crock pot with tinfoil tends to make it easier to clean.

    I like just sticking in a whole chicken and a shot of my favorite booze and a sprinking of garlic and onion powder, and then let it go. (4-6 hoursish on high, 8-10 hours low). Have done with shots of amaretto, chocolate mint liquer, bourbon and scotch (but not all at the same time).

    Take a roast or pork butt. Add tiny taters and baby carrots and a diced onion. Just pack the veggies around the meat. Again, add a shot of booze and bourbon works better with beef. Cook for the times like above.

  2. Another good thing is ribs. You can do a dry rub if you like, but I'm a damn yankee and am happy to just buy my favorite tasting BBQ sauce. Line the pot with tinfoil, pack in the ribs, cover with the sauce, and rinse the bottle with a little bourbon. There's probably a theme here with my cooking. Hic.

  3. You can put almost anything in a crock pot with a little seasoning and it turns out great.

    I don't use recipes, I just toss whatever I have around that seems like it will go well together.

  4. I have a small crock pot, but always use the big one, and freeze some of the servings.

    As long as I'm cooking I figure that I may as well make enough for a number of meals.

  5. I'm not much of a meat eater, I mostly use meat as a seasoning when I make soups and such, so I think I'll pass on the meat-and-booze bit. The potatoes-carrots-and-roast is of course a classic crock pot recipe and I think I'll go ahead and do it, but with more veggies and less roast than most folks use. My grandmother made a great stew that I think I'll try to replicate, I saw her make it multiple times and I think I know what she did, she usually flavored it with pork so a bit of pork roast would work. But I'm looking for a source of more crock pot recipes, the weather here has been absolutely horrid for the past two weeks (spitting rain, howling winds, cold) so soups are high on my list of Good Things at the moment...

  6. Crock pots are perfect for making a mega batch of your favorite chili recipe. You can get faux ground beef if you want to go vegetarian.

  7. ratatouille

    imam bayildi [i cheat and just cut up all the veggies into chunks and toss them into the crockpot for a few hours]

    mulligatawny [soup or stew; i skip the apple juice; yogurt can be substituted for coconut milk; i prefer chicken to lamb]

    i've heard of this [but not tried it yet]

    these all look good

  8. Coupla good recipe sites:

    The last named site asks what you're craving and produces recipes that match.

    - Chuck Dupree

  9. There's a site called "What a Crock" ( that has some crock pot recipes and some regular recipes, but I think she also has it broken down by different categories (crock pot, veggies, type of meat, etc.) I know there is always a new crock pot recipe every Thursday.

  10. Maybe chicken sauce piquant? Since you have LA (I think) roots, you probably already have the recipe.


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