Thursday, September 04, 2008

Too hot for penguins :-(

Forecast for San Jose is 93 to 104F today. This is ridiculous. This is a city where they didn't even bother putting air conditioning into homes until twenty years ago because it just wasn't needed. But Al Gore is fat...

-- Badtux the Sweltering Penguin


  1. Not any better in Richmond, believe me. But how come you're the one complaining about it and not me? You're from Louisiana, I'm from Massachusetts. Shouldn't you be more accustomed to this sweltering stuff than me?

  2. This penguin was not so pleasingly rotund back during his Louisiana days...

    - Badtux the Rotund Penguin

  3. Be ever so glad that you don't live near Redding California like I did for the last 18 years . Summer temps regularly get over 110
    and sometimes up to 118 . Single digit humidity is the only saving grace . The air around you takes on a toxic feeling in mid afternoon . After that , hot is never the same .
    enjoying the cool breezes ,

  4. AND AL GORE FLIES IN AN AIRPLANE!!! Anybody who flies in an airplane, you can automatically disbelieve anything they say about the environment.

    Unless someone lives in a cave and survives on nuts and berries they scavenge from the forest floor, they have no credibility to talk about "saving the environment." And if they do, who listens to them, because they're a nut who lives in a cave and scavenges nuts and berries from the forest floor.

    (That's more of a rant for Teh General, but what the hell...)

  5. Well, whose fault is that? I have more, uh, "meat" on me now than when I was a kid, too. I'm managing...

  6. Santa Barbara's been experiencing hot spells. Guess this mean's Momma Nature's experiencing "the Change."


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