Not feeling motivated to blog today for some reason. Let's see, highlights of the day: John McCain proposes to put a buncha top money guys in charge of handing the financial system's mess. Uhm, aren't these the same guys who got us into the mess to begin with? Doh! And John McCain proposes to deregulate health care the way that the financial markets were deregulated so that it can perform as well as the financial markets. Uhm, that isn't reassuring, John, I'd really prefer to stay alive, if ya know what I mean! And Congress is doing a lot of political posturing on the bailout plan instead of biting the bullet and doing what has to be done (get all that poison paper out of the system by trading it for treasuries -- *but* with oversight by a Congressionally-appointed committee of which the Treasury Secretary and Fed Chairman are members, *not* by handing a blank check to the Treasury Secretary), and George W. Bush was right for probably the first time in his Presidency when he accused Congress of political posturing and risking serious damage to the economy (gasp -- GWB! Right! Can the four horsemen of the Apocalypse be somewhere near?). Joe Biden once again proved he had foot in mouth disease (I swear, the man can let off occasional great zingers -- anybody remember "noun, verb, 9/11" as his description of Julie Annie -- but man can he stick his foot in his mouth).
So lots of things happening, but none that really motivate me to snark. Ah well. I'll just do an Atrios then. Here, have a cat.
-- Badtux the Demotivated Penguin
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