Monday, September 15, 2008

"Only" 30 dead from Ike

Yep, that's what the news agencies say. They also say that sixty survivors have been found of the thousands who lived on the Bolivar Peninsula.

Probably 75% of the people who lived on the Bolivar peninsula evacuated. The problem is that entire communities have literally been washed into the ocean. Any bodies washed into the ocean with them, and are no longer around to be found. The bottom-feeders in the Gulf of Mexico are gonna be feasting big time on long pig for the next week or so...

Meanwhile, I notice that the victim-blaming machine has already started rumbling away big-time. So it goes in the United States of Delusion, where we pretend to be a compassionate people -- and then make sure we never have to live up to our rhetoric by blaming the victims and doing nothing compassionate to help them.

-- Badtux the Morbid Penguin


  1. They are refusing to let the media on to the peninsula, which normally means they are doing body recovery and notifying next-of-kin.

    They will never find all of the people, but I would guess they are in graves registration mode.

  2. What? Well of course anyone building on barrier islands will be able to rebuild. Silly you. People with the best insurance are rebuilding all over S. CA where the fires were also.

    No wonder you love your cats so much, they make more sense than hoomans. Does TMF like to be scratched behind his ears? If he does, give him one for me, eh?

  3. Nunya, flood damage is not covered by homeowner's insurance, and the federal flood insurance is very limited in what it covers. Most people will rebuild (using the federal flood insurance) because that's the only way they'll have a home -- FEMA will only reimburse the cost of rebuilding the home on the same land, which is going to be less than the price of buying home+land elsewhere. This is especially true of older people who have limited resources to move elsewhere.

    - Badtux the Flood Penguin


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