Friday, September 26, 2008

And in the polls...

0% of Americans think that the economy is getting better. That's zero Americans. Zey-roh. Nada. Zilch. And 19% give Preznit Bunnypants a favorable rating (who the fuck are those 19%? There isn't that many millionaires in America, who other than a millionaire would like Bush? Sigh, stupidity will never end...).

Is it any wonder that Senator John "Did you know I was a POW?" McCain has suspended his campaign? It must have seemed pretty goddamned futile, when most Americans blame Republicans -- of which he's one, remember -- for this mess. Of course, he didn't really suspend his campaign, but c'mon, this is politics, lying about suspending your campaign is peanuts compared to the usual McCain lies...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. "who the fuck are those 19%?"

    Probably, the people who believe that they have to support the president's policies to be supportive of the troops.

  2. I'd say you've just found the 10% filthy rich who are benefiting from this, and the 9% who are terrorists lolling around inside this country unnoticed!

    Good job of sorting them out, I'd say - well done! Diane


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