Thursday, September 11, 2008

John McCain's health care proposal: "Don't get sick"

John McCain would not be covered by his very own health care plan. John McCain, as a four-time cancer survivor, would not be eligible for coverage by the private insurance plans that he is pushing as the "solution" to the health care crisis in America.

More to the point, over 56 million Americans who are currently covered but who have, or have had in the past, chronic health care conditions, would lose their coverage under McCain's plan.

Yessiree, this is truly "change"! McCain ain't lyin' about that! But is this the sort of change that you can believe in? I think not... but then again, John McCain was a POW so we have to vote for him or, like, the Commies have won! Or somethin'. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Health Care Penguin


  1. Don't forget your healthcare benefit from your employer gets taxed to boot.

  2. I do not understand how anyone who is not filthy rich can vote for that guy. Even my right wing husband won't vote for him. (My retired Navy husband)

    Let's hope most Americans actually have a brain and use it in November.

  3. Works as well as don't get fat, don't get sick. Don't starve, don't pay too much in taxes (who is measuring?), don't love your neighbor, don'ts too many to count, all government does is issue don'ts.


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