Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The ghetto trash in the "affordable housing" apartment below me are moving out! That's the ones who had four people crammed into a one bedroom apartment, who let their kids tear up all the landscaping, where the daughter's thug boyfriends were always hanging around throwing cigarette butts onto the stoop. (I dunno why she always chose thug boyfriends, they always made her cry, but some girls just don't know what's good for them, sigh).

Now to see who takes their place. Unfortunately this (upscale) apartment complex was required by law to reserve a certain percentage of their apartments for "affordable housing", but I can at least hope it's like the first lady who was down there, who was a sweet old lady who never bothered anybody...

-- Badtux the Apartment-dwelling Penguin


  1. We pay full rent in what used to be almost completely all low income housing. I live next door to an effing stereotype of the worst kind. Got the freebie lawyers keeping his sorry ass firmly entrenched, is the only way he stays. Everyone else who has constant visits from the cops is booted out. 24 kids, although who knows who's in and out of there. I could go on for days, I've put up with his shit for 8 years.

    I was a welfare rat. The kid is doing quite well in college now, working, paying her own rent.

    1 kid.

  2. And Oh yeah, I just delivered her $160 textbook to her yesterday. She's not getting grants.


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