Friday, September 26, 2008

Why bless their hearts...

Typical McCain voters:

-- Badtux the Unsurprised Penguin


  1. God, we fought the Civil Wars to keep the mO-rans (to use their word) in the US?!?


  2. Actually, these morans' great great great great etc. grandpappies probably fought for the Union side in the American Civil War. These ignorant hillbillies didn't give a shit about slaves, but they hated those white plantation owners down in the "lowlands" even more and sure the hell weren't interested in fighting to protect a buncha elitist fat-cats and shit. Not to mention that seceding from the union would give them no place to sell their coal. See: West Virginia.

    So yeah, there's a fucking whole lot of morans out there who Lincoln probably should have just let go. But these ain't amongst them. These are some of Honest Abe's morans, not the other side's.

  3. How many outstanding warrants on the guy trying to hide his face?

  4. Y'know, that was my thought too, Montag :-).

  5. Badtux?

    She made me think of this


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