Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Victory in Iraq!

World Nut Daily ("we're batshit crazy because our readers are too!") proudly proclaims, "We won! Victory in Iraq!"

To which I can only say: Cool! Does that mean we can leave now?

Sad to say, the answer to that from World Nut Daily's Joseph Farrah is "Of course not!". Huh. Let me get this straight. We gotta keep our troops in Iraq whether we've won or not? So when do our troops come back from Iraq?

Oops, I forgot, John McInsane already had the answer to that one...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. McCain has a great view on the whole thing...
    as long as our troops aren't on the front lines, it's ok. We can stay.
    Let the Iraqis take over the front lines and die. That's not a problem with us. No American blood spilled.

    Let me be president, I am compassionate. Iraqis can die.

    Contradict much?

    Seriously, if McCain wins this election, I might cry.

  2. It's just a bunch of monkey's fucking around with each other. Just try to stay out of the way.

    Well, and prepare the best you can for some hard times.


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