Friday, September 12, 2008

TMF would appreciate one of these

TMF has gotten into the habit of having me turn on the water faucet for him when I get home so he can drink out of the faucet. This gadget looks like it'll do the same thing for him. Assuming he doesn't just paddle all the water out of the fountain like this cat is doing...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. I long for the day my knothead cat drinks from a normal water bowl. I'd even settle for him drinking from the toilet again!!! (He stopped when he saw me using it)

    Maybe a water sculpture would serve the same purpose. A bit of Zen and Fung what-ever plus cat watering device.

  2. I have a cat that would appreciate one of these as well quite possibly with the same results. Currently, we have one of those setups that looks like a water cooler. She is facinated with the air bubbles. She's figured out that if she gets a running start and jumps on top of it, it will release some. The problem is when the resevoir gets low, she knocks it over causing a mess.

  3. I also got one of these for the fuzzies that rule my house and you would think they would like this just as much as the sink... but NO! They sit and stare at this like it's a decorative fountain and still demand I turn on the sink faucet for drinking.


  4. That is my fear too, Miss Kat -- that if I buy this thing, my cats will treat it as a decorative fountain or, worse yet, a water toy (as the cat in the video apparently sees it as), and I will still be performing my duty of watering the cat via the sink faucet as trained by my owners :-(.

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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