Thursday, September 04, 2008

John McCain responds to fashion advice

John McCain: When I was a POW prisoner, I didn't wear monochromatic clothes. And when I spent five years in a POW camp, I would have killed a guard to get a hold of a Members Only Jacket or a pair of sweat pants. When I was a POW, I never worried about whether or not my shirt collar was tight enough to my neck. As long as I had my cassette of Abba, oh wait... Nevermind.

-- Badtux the "Got POW?" Penguin
Note: The above is fiction. In actuality, John McCain would probably just give a Dick Cheney snarl then try to strangle you if you tried to give him fashion advice.


  1. Well, don't ask me for fashion advice, I wear clothes until they are falling apart and I have to toss them.

  2. The ladies must all look twice at you, BBC!

  3. Is the second look before or after vomiting up their last meal? curious penguins want to know!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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