Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stoned kitties

Man, those cats are fuggin' smashed after they get into the catnip garden...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin
Who just gave his cats a fresh catnip-impregnated scratching pad and they look an aweful lot like the kitties at the end of this film.


  1. If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?

  2. I don't talk to my cats about catnip. I just rub their scratching pads with it so that they associate scratching pad with feeling really groovy, man, and use that to scratch on instead of other things. That makes me a pusher. And I'm unapologetic about it :-).

    -- Badtux the Drug-dealin' Penguin
    (If you're a cat).

  3. It's great to see kitties having such fun. Mine got completely into the scene, but after blissful moments of immersion, she would suddenly look around as though the catnip drug czar were lurking behind any corner, and drunkedly walk off from the happy catnip sock, now wet with cat spit, to quote Steve Martin. Total feigned disinterest, though she would return hours later, for the next fix.

    How did she know everyone else wasn't having as much fun, and why did she think we'd disapprove? Was she an American kitty?


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