Sunday, September 21, 2008

A final goodbye to baseball

Final game played in Yankee Stadium today. Like baseball as a whole, Yankee Stadium has fallen prey to that great American disease -- the desire to always be bigger, newer, shinier, more extravagant, more expensive. Yankee Stadium was simply too dowdy, too "dated", too "old" for baseball anymore. So now it's going to get replaced by some sterile McStadium, and the nation as a whole will be poorer for it. So it goes, in a nation which refuses to appreciate history and refuses to learn its lessons...

I was expecting Tbogg to blog about this. I mean, someone who named his daughter after Casey Stengel surely would have something to say. Alas, I forgot that Stengel ended his career managing the Mets, the hated enemies of the Yankees, and thus of course Tbogg wouldn't blog about it. Which is why I have to do so. Sigh!

-- Badtux the Baseball Penguin


  1. Yes, it is a shame to lose such an American icon.

    All too much, perfectly good stadiums are being demolished (RCA Dome is slated for execution on Wednesday) and new, bigger, and shinier stadiums are erected in their place in what can best be described as corporate welfare (FORMER mayor Peterson gave a sweet deal to Jim Irsay).

  2. Well, to be fair, RCA Dome was a sterile, soul-less atrocity which deserves to be gone... but that does not apply to Yankee Stadium. Sigh.

    -- Badtux the Historic Penguin

  3. That is true. There is no comparison between the two.

    I'm just peeved at being forced to subsidize Irsay without getting anything in return.

  4. Eh, it's just too bad the Yankees won't be in it when they blow it up.

    Go Sox!


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