Friday, September 26, 2008

I need a catpile

Too much bad news in the world. Time to pet some furry critters.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Yea , furry love . Best thing in the world for a hard day . I've got 5 furry friends and one feathered one . Can't walk to another room here without somebody asking for attention and giving love in return .
    " what a world , what a world "
    in a big happy pile of warm
    fur and feathers

  2. My two got in trouble for squabbling tonight.
    In spite of that they remain the most fabulous (and least judgmental) beings in the world to come home to.

  3. Know what you mean. That grey and white fellow looks very like our Smokey who passed away a few weeks ago after many years battling cancer.:( I still get teary eyed.


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