Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How *not* to treat a golf cart

We have ourselves our very own histerical society out here in the Southwest. Here they are, making histery. (Note: Mis-spellings on purpose).

-- Badtux the Dirt Racin' Penguin


  1. Off topic, sorry, but they could use a snarky penguin question over at NPR.

    Your question for Sarah Palin.

  2. They already asked the only one I'm interested in, which is "what books did you want banned from your town's library, and why?" As a former librarian (well, actually, "library technical assistant" since I don't have a MLS and thus was not qualified for the position of "librarian" but I basically did the job of a reference desk librarian whether I had the title or not), that is a topic that gets my blood boilin'...

    - Badtux the Literary Penguin


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