Monday, September 08, 2008

And in today's news...

As the economy melts down and half of Americans say that they'd rather have the Cryptkeeper as President rather than Mr. Cool Dude, we once again find Britney Speares and O.J. Simpson at the top of the news.

Alrighty, then!

Badtux the "We're bound for hell in a handbasket" Penguin


  1. seriously....I think these polls are a bunch of crap...I don't know a soul that wants McCrusty- I live in Ohio...not a Single sticker or sign...not can drive for miles and nope....none.

    the convention was weird too- the last night mccain had to have the stage redone to hide how empty it was....and yet the media claims 39 mill watched him- not true in my hood- everyone was watching the football game...

    is the Fix on? what is going on....

  2. There's this expression that sums up what I think about polls.

    "There lies, damned lies, and statistics."


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