Monday, September 22, 2008

More left-wing stupidity

Janet Atkinson of the San Jose Down Syndrome Network rips the movie Tropic Thunder for using the word "retard". Nevermind that the movie uses the word "retard" in much the same way that Mark Twain uses the word "nigger" in Huckleberry Finn, i.e., to make fun of the people who use the word. It's "denigrating to the mentally disabled" and thus the movie should be boycotted, or banned, or something. Sorta like these same kinds of asswipes are always trying to get Huckleberry Finn banned because it's "racist" or some such bilge.

And here I was, thinking that the movie was making fun of Tom Hanks. Why does the extreme left-wing make it so difficult for someone to call themselves "liberal" nowdays? It's as if they want liberal ideas to be marginalized and made fun of. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Head-shakin' Penguin


  1. More whiskey !! And fresh horses and women for my men !!

  2. Hello, Badtux.
    One of the things I thought was so funny about the primary campaigns was when the manufactured offense machine came out to bite their tortured cultivator.
    This was when Clinton, in a back-handed compliment to her staff, with a "Never say die!" twist, stated that her supporters were "hard-working," thereby implying that Obama's supporters were not.

    And now, the anti-Palin crowd would be happy to see her getting slammed by the milkman as she bends over to unload the dishwasher, and they're willing to allow her slippers.

    And I remember this guy saying that, in his belief, the middle was lacking in strong principle, as only the extremes were to be found to be consistent in their belief.
    To which I say, "WTF, man!?!?"

  3. What a retard. Oh, wait....

  4. I think this is the same woman who was up in arms about The Ringer, not knowing that the writers/directors/producers of that film were huge Special Olympics supporters. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: excising the developmentally different from the same mockery we give everyone else is a particularly pernicious form of discrimination (due to its very good-heartedness).

  5. I received an email from a friend who has a Down's Syndrome child. She had received word of this film from what sounds like the same source. I have a brother who is mentally handicapped. I agreed to not see the film. Imagine the nerve....

    Through an accident that only can happen in my family I was forced into taking my kids to see this film. I found it funny as hell and laughed loudly. My kids looked at me at first to see if it was ok to also laugh.

    It was a relief to laugh at that bit of dialogue and it has nothing to do with the way it is used by the verbally challenged. My 2¢


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