Tuesday, September 09, 2008

U.S. weighs action against Russia

U.S. officials say they are going to weigh additional actions against Russia in retaliation for their actions in Georgia. Now, effective action against a nuclear-armed state over a small nation of no particular strategic or economic importance to the United States is difficult, but our brave Bush Administration officials in Washington D.C. are up to the challenge. Here is video footage of the proposed actions:

Oh no, not the comfy chair!

-- Badtux the Youtubery Penguin
Okay, so I really *am* having too much fun with the YouTube today eh?


  1. V.P. Palin will teach those Russkies a thing or two, eh?

    Palin/Jones in '12! Michael and Terry FTW!


  2. So you noticed that this punishment was meted out by Palin, did you? Cardinal Fang! Bring out... the soft cushions!

    - Badtux the Python Penguin

  3. One wonders, after seven years of being incapable of finding and punishing a man who lives in a fucking cave, just why Russia should give a shit what we Americans have to say.

  4. Fear of the comfy chair, of course. And if the Russians are really, really bad... why, we might slap them in the face with a limp herring!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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