Saturday, September 20, 2008

Change you can believe in

Let's see, John McCain has 177 lobbyists working for his campaign, of which 83 are lobbyists for the financial services companies in trouble right now. Do you really think he's going to vote for the proper regulation needed to keep the money supply stable and the economy strong, given that he has 83 voices talking into his ear saying "don't do that"? If so, I have some oceanside property in Arizona to sell ya...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Yup, and someone asked me this morning why the Keating 5 wasn't being used yet?

    Is it?

  2. I've wondered about the Keating 5 issue myself but I've assumed it is because it is such old news and that he was cleared of any charges.

    Supposedly, that is where he became a champion of campaign finance reform. However, it is interesting that deregulation is coming back to haunt him as it did in those days.


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