Friday, September 05, 2008

A question

What kind of weirdo names their boy-child "Track"? Does he have a sister named "Field"?

No, I'm not going to report on the rumors of why Track Palin joined the army (hint -- Da Fixer over at Alternate Brain joined the military for the same reason, so it ain't got nothin' to do with nothin' anyhow except as a reflection on his momma Sarah's "parenting"). To quote an anonymous commentator about the "Troopergate" stuff and Bristol's pregnancy, rumors of Sarah having an affair, and the rumors circulating around Track, "The entire Palin family is like a well-dressed episode of Jerry Springer", but that ain't the kids' faults. Just puzzled over what kind of weirdo gives such a odd name to their child...

-- Badtux the Name Penguin


  1. I seen something that explain how she named her kids. They are named after places in Alaska. If I remember correctly, Track's name came from the place where he was conceived.

  2. No, I saw a "news item" (aka gossip item) that said "Track" referred to the sport.

    A friend of mine said that after Trig, Bristol will have no choice but to name her child Calculus.

    Of course I would never say anything like that, myself.

  3. Bristol is clearly named after a village, as is Willow. The problem is, that is thus far the third story I've heard about how Track got his name.

    1. He was born during track and field season and First Dude, being a jock, named him. He would have been named Hockey if born during hockey season, presumably.
    2. He was the first-born boy child and the Palins, being mighty hunters and all, named him "Track" in hopes that he'd be a mighty tracker of wildlife.

    And then there's your theory, #3.

    I've heard similar conflicting theories about the youngest girl, Piper. I've heard Piper is named after either a) a snowmobile, or b) the most popular bush airplane in Alaska.

    Problem is, all of these are just plain weird reasons to name a child something... no wonder the kids seem to have problems. Poor kids. I feel sorry for them.

    -- Badtux the Names Penguin

  4. hey, one of my favorite shipmates was a total swamprat from north carolina who was given the old "miltary or prison" choice.

    it can work for some folks. probably not track though. with governor size juice he's going to be on the fast track for all the REMF gigs. ain't no middle grade officer in the goddamned world gonna be the motherfucker who sends that kid into harm's way.

    al gore had to make a total fucking pill of himself to get a photographer gig in vietnam. wasn't nobody gonna send him anywhere near the shit.

  5. Track...well...guess it's a little better than "mush mush", Buffalo Soapstone, Eek, Oozinkie, Skagway or Y.

    I love hockey but if I had ever had ankle biter during the season I would never imagine the thought of naming it "Zamboni"

  6. I heard they went with Piper just because it's a cool name.

    And then there's "Trig Paxton *Van* Palin." After the rock band. I thought this was a joke until my sister sent me a link to an actual newspaper article, which I promptly misplaced. I *think* this might be slightly ironic, although so far Palin seems to do sarcasm well - irony, not so much. And even if it is ironic: After half a bottle of wine, my husband thought "Nimrod" might be an excellent name for our firstborn. We didn't actually *inflict* it on him, though.


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