Wednesday, September 10, 2008

OMG! Terrierists!

Department of Vaterland Security Skeletor appeared at a press conference today and says, OMG, there's a big chance of terrier attacks as the 7th anniversary of 9/11 comes up! (And BTW, that's seven years -- *SEVEN YEARS* -- that Osama bin Laden has gotten away scot-free for killing thousands of Americans, rather than all American resources being used to bring that scumbag to justice instead they're being dumped into the world's biggest catbox i.e. the Mess in Mesopotamia). I wonder, is there an election coming up or somethin'?

But then I remember that I have my own built-in terrier defenses at home (called "Mencken" and "Fang"), and feel relieved. Here is an example of this crack terrier defense system in action:

Errm... perhaps I should be a bit more worried after all...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Can you help explain why my PC doesn't like to load the pictures on your site any more ? The message is ' movie not loaded ' I have tried updating the ' adobe movie player 9 ' but that didn't help . Did you change the way they are sent or is it my computer ? I still get some pictures but not all like I used to . Did I maybe get " updated " to some incompatible configuation ?
    a very confused

  2. w3ski, sounds like you have installed firewall software on your PC that is blocking videos as a "potential virus", or are running behind a corporate firewall that blocks YouTube. Try disabling your firewall and see if the video plays.

    - Badtux the Technology Penguin

  3. Still more reliable than Homeland Security, IMHO.


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