Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin's command experience

Governor Palin's command experience with the Alaska National Guard has apparently been zero -- She has not issued a single order to the Alaska National Guard, according to McClatchy. Her office has approved orders issued by Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, the service commander of the Alaska National Guard, but the governor herself has never issued a single order to the Alaska National Guard.

To quote Joke Line, it is important for the public to know that Palin raised taxes as governor, supported the Bridge to Nowhere before she opposed it, pursued pork-barrel projects as mayor, tried to ban books at the local library and thinks the war in Iraq is "a task from God." And, apparently, has experience hiring aides for her office who approve orders for the 1,850 men and women of the Alaskan National Guard to fight fires and provide security for marathons and stuff, which is certainly relevant to the Presidency in some way, right?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. She Really gives me the creeps . There is something wrong with that woman and it's not just the lust for power in her eyes . I think she woulda ripped the head off her own baby if the crowd had desired it . She is the embodiement of Right Wing Christian Nutzoids and I trust her less than McSame . Ugh !
    a very repulsed

  2. Apparently the Air Wing of the Alaska National Guard is the most under-staffed and poorly-equipped in the nation.

  3. Well, you can't blame the poorly equipped part on Palin, that's a federal responsibility (otherwise no state would have an ANG) and is nationwide. Understaffed... uhm, who wants to join the National Guard right now, given the likelihood of an unwanted vacation in the pleasant sands of Mesopotamia? If you actually want such a vacation, you'll just go ahead and join the Air Farce or Army directly and get the full benefits of being a "real" soldier or airman.

    -Badtux the Military Penguin


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