Friday, September 05, 2008

Supporting our troops

Bob Geiger tells us what he saw -- or, rather, didn't see:

In three nights of speeches by McCain, his running mate and all the major Republican presidential contenders, not one word was said about the troops they claim to adore, the cause they all continue to advance or the Veterans they say they support. ... McCain spent three days focusing on his life and what he went through 35 years ago without one word about the lives of the military people suffering in his war, today.

Republicans talked a lot this week about highlighting the "stark contrasts" between their candidate and Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama -- and here is that contrast: When Obama spoke last week in Denver, he talked movingly about being "… more compassionate than a government that lets veterans sleep on our streets" and spoke about how "in the faces of those young veterans who come back from Iraq and Afghanistan, I see my grandfather, who signed up after Pearl Harbor, marched in Patton's Army, and was rewarded by a grateful nation with the chance to go to college on the GI Bill."

He also talked, as he has many times in his U.S. Senate tenure, about how he will "give better care for our veterans" and said that, in addition to so many children to protect, we have "so many veterans to care for."

And what did the major speakers at the Republican convention, including McCain and Palin -- the "country first" crowd -- have to say on the subject?

Nada, nothing.

Which party is it that's supposed to hate our troops, again?!

-- Badtux the Puzzled Penguin


  1. And you thought they actually filmed a real military funeral?


  2. Instead, they talk about "victory." No mention of what "victory" is supposed to look like, just "victory." A word. And if there are enough stupid American voters who will be swayed by a word, and not deeds, so that the illiction can be close enough to steal, then America deserves to get what's coming to it. Excepting you, Tux, and Nunya, and your smart commenters. But you smart people will probably ride out the collapse better than the stupid ones. Be prepared!

    That said, I still think McPalin will get smashed flat this year. The power structure does not want an idiot who would select a greater idiot in a moment of rash maldecision. Someone like that would be bad for business. So he's toast. It just has to look like there's a contest to keep the hoi polloi captivated, and motivated for future bright shiny objects that will divert them from what's really happening.

    We're like spiders in a jar, fighting each other, while the masters on the outside of the jar watch in giggling amusement.

  3. What truly amazes me is that the military supports these clowns. You'd think that after six years of lies and unfulfilled promises, they would recognize that they're being abused.


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