Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spice Girls add a new member

You are, of course, aware of the Spice Girls, a British "supergroup" of the 1990's. Here is their photo if you forgot: Now, they recently resumed touring again (for what reason I cannot fathom, since nobody cares about that 90's pop anymore). About midway through their tour, they realized that the group was missing something. Something important. They needed a new member to revive public interest in their group. So they auditioned a bunch of women to see if they could add anything to the group, and finally selected on one lucky winner. Here she is, responding to news that she was selected to be the newest Spice Girl:

Yay! It's Bible Spice!

-- Badtux the Mildly Amused Penguin


  1. Oh. My. God. lol That's funny badtux.

  2. Why does Palin always wear red?

  3. That's part of her uniform for her role as Bible Spice, where she speaks in tongues during the instrumental interludes. Geeze, get with it, huh?!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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