Monday, September 08, 2008

Louisiana rejoices

Hurricane Ike appears headed to Texas. Given that half of Louisiana doesn't have power yet from Gustav and without power, you can't pump gas into your cars to evacuate and you can't hear the evacuation notices on televisions that can't run without power anyhow, this is a Good Thing for Louisiana. Not so good for Texas though.

-- Badtux the Louisiana Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I hate to sound cruel about it, but let Dubya worry about Texas. I'm sure he can scrape up a few billion in tax credits so his oil gazillionaire buddies can flee in their Rolls Royces and Bentleys. He doesn't care about anyone else.

    No, on second thought, let's send buses for the decent people in Texas (three should do it). Let the gazillionaires see what NOLA went through.


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