Thursday, August 07, 2008


You might remember that I bought a stationary bicycle for $50 off of Craigslist (and laughed at the people who paid $350 for it new). Last night I did 45 minutes on it. Still haven't lost my penguin rotundity (sigh!), but at least my resting pulse is down to 70 and my blood pressure is at least 10 below "number to be concerned about" on both systolic and diastolic measures. So in that regard, I've gotten my $50 worth. Now to lay off the herring and jalapeno pizzas, sigh...

I've been alternating riding the KLR and the Nightstrom to work, but will soon take the Nightstrom apart to do the electrical modifications to it. More on that shortly at Moto-Tux. Once I have everything done to the Nightstrom, then it'll be the KLR's turn to get torn down, except in the KLR's case I have some more invasive things to do to it, I want to strip it down to be basically a dirt bike with lights now that I have another bike to serve as my primary commuter and long distance tourer. For example, that big ole' ugly fairing on the KLR has to go...

Pretty soon we're all going to be owned by the Chinese. I work with several teams of Chinese engineers. Don't let anybody tell you that these guys aren't smart or creative. They are. They're green, they don't have the experience, and they have a hard time understanding the context of what you're trying to do (they're geeks, they love technology, they love gee-whiz things, they love exposing all sorts of bells and whistles, they have trouble putting themselves in the heads of customers who aren't geeks who just want to get a job done in the simplest easiest way possible), but that differentiates them from any engineer with less than five years experience... how? Get some experience under their belts, and I can tell you where the new center of world innovation is going to be, and it ain't going to be in the San Francisco Bay Area.

So I spin along, and next up, a posting on the U.S. health care crisis and the collapse of the U.S. hospital and emergency room system...

-- Badtux the Spinning Penguin


  1. Funny how all the whitey whites felt that it was their inherent superiority rather than WWII that led to the US hegemony. Hell, the Russkies managed to give us a run after losing huge numbers of young men.


  2. The SF Bay Area accounts for almost 1/3rd of the patents granted in the United States. The majority of the innovation being done here is being done by immigrants from other countries. I work with Russians, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Germans, a whole friggin' United Nations. White people are the minority here... which is why those decrepit flyover welfare states hate California so much. We prove that white people are not superior, the old fashioned way -- by making more money than they do.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

    -- Badtux the Multicolored Penguin


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