Thursday, August 14, 2008

Put down the propaganda pipe, folks...

and step away.


Lucky the Russians had conveniently built up 20,000 soldiers just north of the border on training exercises one week prior to the crisis.


The Russians normally keep that many troops in the region because of Chechnya, which, remember, is less than 100 miles away from South Ossetia. In fact I'm wondering what the Chechens are doing right now, since the troops that normally would be chasing Chechen rebels are currently inside Georgia.


And, of course, the Russian peacekeepers already in South Ossetia, who armed the South Ossetian rebels, must not actually be Russians on Georgian soil.


That depends on whether South Ossetia is Georgian soil. South Ossetia was an autonomous province within the Soviet Union, nominally within the administrative boundaries of the Soviet state of Georgia but never ruled from Tsibili. Georgia arbitrarily declared the autonomy of South Ossetia null and void in 1993 despite the fact that Georgia had never ruled South Ossetia, ever, not even hundreds of years ago, and only Russian troops prevented Georgia from actually making good on that. South Ossetians are "rebels" in much the same that Mexicans would be "rebels" if we declared that Mexico was our 51st state -- South Ossetia never was culturally part of Georgia, and never was ruled from Tsibili, and is about as "Georgian" as Mexico is "American".

So clearly the situation is more complex than "Georgia attacks rebels". South Ossetia is obviously too small to be an independent nation. It will have to join either Russia or Georgia. The Georgians seem determined to make sure that South Ossetia joins Russia rather than Georgia. So be it. But to say that Georgia was "justified" in invading South Ossetia because it is just a state of Georgia, is like saying that the U.S. would be "justified" in invading Mexico because it is just a state of the United States. That has not been historically true, and arbitrary lines drawn on maps do not make it true.


  1. American media is a bunch of propaganda bullshit. But we already knew that. Pravda on the Hudson and Izvestia on the Potomac are slicker than their Russian counterparts, but put them in a mirror and they all look the same.
  2. Putin is a ruthless hard-ass. But we already knew that. Beslan, anybody? The Russian theatre hostage massacre, anybody?
  3. Georgian President Saakashvili is a moron. He thought a bit of training from American trainers, combined with having more up-to-date weapons than Russian forces in the area (who are armed with old 1960's and 1970's Soviet-era gear because they're equipped to take on Chechen rebels, not modern armies), would suffice to destroy the Russian forces sent against him. He didn't seal off the tunnel between South Ossetia and Russia because he wanted to engage in a spot of ethnic cleansing and drive the Ossetians through the tunnel in front of the Georgian Army, and only *then* seal the tunnel. The South Ossetians ruined that plan by fighting back far harder than Saakashvili and his Israeli Defense Minister Davit Kezerashvili (yes, the defense minister of Georgia is an Israeli citizen, go figure!) expected, thereby giving the Russians time to use the tunnel first. Then Saakashvili thought the U.S. would come help him. With what troops? Riiiiight...
  4. South Ossetia will never be part of Georgia. Well, you try a bit of ethnic cleansing and genocide, folks just seem to not like that. Russia is content with a de facto independent South Ossetia that in reality is part of the Russian Federation. The Georgians are just going to have to live with the fact that they aren't going to be allowed to engage in the ethnic cleansing they wanted to engage in.
  5. Russia has effectively put the Trashcanistans on notice. Russia swatted Georgia using basically light forces intended to chase down Chechen guerillas. These were not top-of-the-line elite Russian units that rolled into Georgia, folks. They were armed with old 1960's and 1970's Soviet weapons that were a generation older than the ex-Warsaw-Pact weapons that Georgia was armed with. If Russia can swat Georgia so easily without even bringing their elite units into play, the other folks along Russia's Southern frontier are on notice: Don't poke the bear. Because despite being rather shabby nowdays, the bear still has teeth and claws that can maul you but good.
More than that will have to wait. But one final thing about the U.S. media coverage. It reminds me of U.S. media coverage of the Iraq-Iran War. Iraq invaded Iran. But the U.S. media was rooting for Iraq for most of the war. WTF? Georgia invaded South Ossetia. But the U.S. media was rooting for Georgia for the entire war. WTF? Since when does starting a war make you the "good guys"? Oh yeah, that's right -- when the folks who start the war happen to be U.S. puppets. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Geopolitics Penguin


  1. Yeah, that may be true, but "Johnny Get Yer' Gun" McCain will teach those Ruskies somethin'. I know I'd be cowering if somebody dispatched "Jokin' Schmoe" Lieberman at me!

    Listening to McCain, it really does sound like he's just itchin' to ratchet things up with Putin.

  2. It sounds as though the corporate meeja is using the propaganda pipe to blow smoke up America's arse. We had a chat to one of Mrs. Bukko's best friends in an Francisco today. She's a pot-smoking Deadhead, but she was of the opinion that mean ol' Russia had invaded poor lil Georgia, because that's apparently the fog issuing forth from the TeeVee. (And she doesn't even watch Fux.) We set her straight, and she believed us, because she knows we pay closer attention to events and we've been right about everything for years.

    I'm glad I don't have to be exposed to the moronity that comes from the glowing box in the U.S. (American papers that I read online seem to have a more balanced viewpoint.) There's a more nuanced presentation on the TV news here than on American stations. At least on the government-run stations we watch. Don't pay much attention to the news on the three commercial networks, which tend to be trivial and sensational. How weird is that, when you can trust a government channel more than a private one?

  3. The Georgian Dear Leader has been a neo-con blowhard for years. As long as he kept his idiocy to the mobsters in Georgia, Russia could care less.

    Now, he takes a page from the Feith/Addington/Yoo/Goodling Manual of Pretending Reality. All those hires from KKKristian skools, fundievangelical unyverseetees, and last tier law skools are quite divorced from the real world. Read Putin's bio. KGB, Sambo, and a history of dealing with problems. Compare that to the scrubbed and brain-dead that populate the Bush choices.

    If your people are from the short bus, don't be surprised if the brighter kids whip you when you cross the line of acceptable behaviour. Like the US, mired in two active conflicts and troops providing anti-dissent training worldwide, could rush to assist a country so close to the Russian sphere. Hopefully, not one of the basement boy-wonders is that stoopid.


  4. And yes, the American media is blithering on and on and on. Now joined by the Pentagon assuring us that the American "trainers" are all fine and accounted for in spite of Russian claims at having one to do "DNA tests" upon. Oh, if the drunken idiot in Beijing comes home to poke the bear some more, can I have my blindfold?


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