Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Are Blackwater mercenaries enforcing U.S. drug laws?

That's the suspicion aroused by this photograph. If so, that's disconcerting in more ways than one. Blackwater mercenaries are accountable only to their owner, Erik Prince, who makes Dick Cheney look personable and sane. Placing heavily-armed mercenaries accountable only to the far right in positions where they can use said weapons in pursuit of an agenda that has nothing to do with America or Americans and everything to do with pure, unbridled power... that would be alarming indeed.

So is this just a case of a rogue DEA agent wearing a Blackwater shirt instead of his official DEA shirt? Or something more ominous? Curious penguins don't want to know, but can't keep from asking the question anyhow :-(.

-- Badtux the Querulous Penguin

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