Monday, August 04, 2008

Just another dead darky

The Boston Globe reports on yet another victim of Dear Leader's War on Brown People. This young boy was victimized not once, but twice. First he was paralyzed by American bullets that killed his entire family. Then, two years later, he was killed by a car bomb allowed by the chaos that occurs when you try to occupy a country with less than 1/3rd the forces needed to create order in a country.

His name was Rakan Hassan, and he is dead. Mishun Acomplished, Dear Leader. But of course nobody in America cares in anything other than an intellectual way, because he's not one of God's chosen people, the only real people, Americans. He was just an untermenschen, a darkie, a wog, a raghead, a haji, a sand nigger, not a real human being like you and me (well, I'm a penguin, but you get the point, right?).

-- Badtux the Saddened Penguin

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