Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Never engage in a battle of the wits with a blond bimbo

Especially if you're a wrinkly old white-haired dude, because she will bitch-slap you big-time. Word of warning. I laughed so hard when I watched this video that I started coughing and now my chest hurts. You have been warned.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Score: Paris Hilton 1, John McCain 0. Don't mess with the celebs, Johnny McNasty. Especially when they're richer than your blond bimbo wife will ever be. Their rich parents don't like it, and they know how to make you look like a total jerkoff, big time. Got it?

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. hehe.

    Are you wiser than a blond bimbo?

    Watch out, Paris, your young, attractive and rich. That old wrinkly guy will be stalking you next, his current shack-up is getting old and will be looking to trade up, again.

  2. We are under a smog alert here in the Pac Nor'west. So, yeah, watching that set off a binge of coughing in me, too.
    But, oh, was it worth it. I never thought I'd want to high-five Paris for ANYthing.
    Damn you, McCain!

  3. It's amazing what legs (pun intended) this story has. In Australia, there is a free afternoon tabloid newsrag printed by the Murdoch Empire which is laid out at tram and train stops for commuters to peruse on their commute home. (And hopefully peruse the ads that pay for the thing.) It's mostly entertainment news and goss (although I'm always surprised about how many snippets of hard news about the U.S. that it includes.) mX had a spread about Hilton's latest ploy yesterday, along with three leggy pictures from the video.

    The whole world is watching you, America. And it's laughing. But not with you.


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