Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Best summary of the Georgian war I've seen

No, Civil War fans, this isn't about Sherman's March to the Sea. I'm talking about the Former Soviet Georgia, which the Russian bear just slapped silly and threw against the wall as an object lesson to small nations that want to piss off neighboring large (and surly) nations. And The Political Cat has probably the best round-up I've seen on the situation so far. I especially like one of his snarky lines: He (Saakashvili) is trying to draw the U.S. and Europe into a war with Russia — a war which no one will win. Vladimir Putin is an ex-KGB man and nobody's fool. And unfortunately, the U.S. is currently in the hands of the biggest fool to ever walk the planet.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. The only part missing is the neo-con philosophy espoused by the Georgian leader. He is one of the troo beleevers. Which is why the Reality-Based Community of Russia whipped his @ss.

    He should move to the US and hold (mom's) basement conferences with the Kagans, Kristols, and other Cheeto eaters.


  2. Stuff like this is why I read ya, Tux. There's lots of sites where I can get snark. But you're like another set of eyes that's scanning info-bits that expands my knowledge (without me having to do the work of sifting through all sorts of BS stories.) Thanks!

  3. tux

    george was WAY too bush patting the ass of beach volleyball players to worry about a man whose soul he knows

    besides he sent Condi to do the job, although he allowed her to go shopping before she stopped in georgia


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