Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Putin devises his plan for Georgia

In honor of all the looting going on in Georgia by the Vostok Brigade (Chechen brigands armed and supported by Russia), Ossetian irregulars, and pretty much every other nasty militia in the area, here is a video of Putin devising his plan for Georgia...

I don't think Putin has sent in the bull dykes yet though, but give him time!

Of course, given that the Vostok Brigade is currently persona non grata in Chechnya due to their ongoing feud with the current "president" of Chechnya (another nasty militia chief by the name of Kadyrov who is being paid by Russia to not make war against Russia much as the Vostok Brigade is being paid by Russia to not make war against Russia), this musta seemed like the opportunity from heaven for Russia for getting the Vostok Brigade out of their hair.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. That Turkish Invasion blog -- ha ha ha ha! You have an Ottomanic snark-brother out there...

  2. I like this passage from his blog (which makes more sense if you recall that the River Dnepr is one of the most polluted on the planet and has a habit of catching fire from time to time), about how the Kievan Rus (forefathers of modern Russia) converted to Orthodox Christianity:

    Eventually, Vladimir was baptised and so did the Kievans with a rush to the Dnepr river roughly 1020 years ago. (It is just for public safety and well being that they don't recreate this historic event now by bathing in Dnepr which would cause a lot of casualties.)

    Unknown is whether the casualties would be by disease, chemical poisoning, or simply via their skin being eaten off by the "water" :-).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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