Sunday, August 24, 2008

Getting old fuggin' sux

I had a nice little hike today at Wilder Ranch State Park. I did an 11 mile loop through the backcountry, then back along the oceanside. All that bicycling definitely helped my wind, I pretty much chugged away uphill with just a bit of heavy breathing but never out of breath. I shot a bunny rabbit, two deer, a buzzard, a buncha sea lions, various sea birds, some wildflowers, and some surfers (with my camera, of course). Just one problem: My fuggin' right knee decided it didn't like the downhill coming back down from the crest, I ended up having to sort of Frankenstein and hobble on my walking stick with that knee. Then after about 2 miles down the oceanside, about half a mile from the Jeep, it decided to just lock up altogether, making that last half mile very slow and painful. GRRR.

So I guess it's back to the doctor again. All that bicycling was supposed to cure that problem. Well, it helped my cardiovascular fitness big time, but didn't help my knee at all. And yes, I took an anti-inflammatory before setting out. Didn't help.

So anyhow, my camera is down in the Jeep, and I managed to hobble up to the second floor where my apartment is, and I am *not* going back down tonight. So you're going to just have to imagine the deer, the bunny, and the sea lions for now. Meanwhile, I just took an ibuprofen and have the oven heating up for a pizza. Definite comfort food time. And tomorrow, I have a suspicion that I'm going to be working from home...

-- Badtux the Gimpy Penguin


  1. ow. remember the ice.

    ice is your friend.

  2. Sadly, ice only does good if you can apply it within a short time of the start of swelling. There is a slight shortage of ice machines on a trail two miles from the nearest highway :-(.

    What I've found helps at this stage of the game (way too late for ice to help) is heat. A hot shower loosens it up nicely, and hot water bags will do the trick afterwards. I'm not sure what the deal is, all I know is what works for me...

  3. Man, reading the post about the Addams Family movie, I thought you'd gotten into an accident or something. Not that having a problematic knee is good...


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