Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Random natterings

This "body wash" stuff just doesn't feel right. I dunno, there's something somehow... manly... about boldly seizing a big bar of soap and rubbing that sucker all over your body. I understand the soap scum argument (which isn't a problem with "body wash"), but it just feels weird.

One of my cat towels finally managed to collect something yesterday. When I got home, I found that Mencken had puked all over the office chair in front of the computer desk. Luckily a towel lives on that office chair, so I just had to change towels.

In my never-ending electrical project on the Nightstrom, I gave up on trying to relocate the relays and fuses behind the battery to being behind the left side panel. It's just too hard to get the left side panel off. Instead I used plastic stick-on hooks to move them to a more compact location, and will put the fuse panel relay next to them. The fuse panel itself, alas, has to go into the place I didn't want to put it -- the tray where the owner's manual is supposed to go. Oh well. I've strapped on a tractor owner's manual tube to the left-side Givi rack and will simply relocate the owner's manual to there. More on that project at Moto-Tux...

-- Badtux the Busy Penguin

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