Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I guess they were scared of his Gay Ray of Gayness

Gay dancer shot in back by police. He was participating in a gay pride event aboard a yacht and either fell overboard, was pushed, or jumped overboard for a swim. Either way, the harbor patrol was called. What happens then, according to the cops, is that he appeared drunk or high, struggled with them as they tried to pull him out of the water, tried to get one cop's gun, and the other cop shot him in the chest. What happens then, according to the people on the yacht, is that the cops got him onboard the harbor patrol boat, realized he was gay as the gay mayor of gaytown, and started beating him, and when he fought back one of the cops pulled his gun and shot him execution-style.

So now we find out that the cops lied about shooting this dude in the chest. They lied about him being high on drugs -- there were only slight trace amounts of drugs in the guy's bloodstream and no alcohol, nothing that would have left him intoxicated. So what's left? Other than what the witnesses say happened -- that a couple of homophobic cops beat a gay dancer for no reason and when said gay dancer tried to defend himself, shot him in cold blood? I mean, if the cops lied about two very important things, why should we believe them about anything? Curious penguins want to know!

-- Badtux the Serve-and-protect Penguin

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