Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cops had no warrant to break in door

Oops!. Prince Georges County (Maryland) cops had no warrant to break in the door of Mayor Cheye Calvo of Berwyn Heights, MD, all they had was a standard search warrant that requires the cops to "knock and announce". A PGC police officer also purjured himself to the judge by claiming he gave the mayor a copy of such a search warrant at the time of the search. In actuality, a police officer brought the warrant to the mayor's lawyer several days after the raid.

So let's summarize:

  1. the PGC cops had no warrant authorizing them to break in the door and shoot the mayor's dogs. If they had executed a standard warrant, the mayor would have been able to remove his dogs from the presence of the cops. When they burst in like that and start shooting, obviously there is no such possibility.
  2. the PGC cops did not coordinate with the Berwyn Heights police, who could have served the warrant for them without any fuss.
  3. the PGC cops lied to a judge about serving Mayor Calvo with a warrant.
  4. therefore... ponies!
Reality is that no cop will get fired for lying to a judge, no cop will be fired for illegally entering a home, and the mayor will get some money from the lawsuit against PGC but of course that won't get his dogs back. And the PGC cops will violate someone else's civil rights tomorrow, but it'll be a poor brown-skinned person so we won't hear about it. The PGC police force has been lawless for years, violating people's civil rights, forging false confessions to "solve" crimes, refusing to allow detainees to see their lawyer even when the detainee is demanding his laywer and the lawyer is standing in the lobby demanding to see his client, and otherwise behaving like a miniature Gestapo, and nobody ever does anything about it.

The sad thing is that most folks in the area don't care that the PGC cops are serving as judge, jury, and executioner -- they *want* to live in a dictatorship where the police can invade any home they feel like invading and kill anybody or anything they feel like killing regardless of whether they've been convicted of a crime or not. Democracy does not seem to be much loved in today's America, sad to say. The whole Constitution thing, with its separation of powers that says you're innocent until found guilty by a jury of your peers (or by a judge if you forgo the jury), apparently is viewed by the average American today as just a piece of fancy toilet paper, sorta like how Sheriff Joke (Joe Arpaio) gets re-elected every time in Maricopa County AZ despite having killed dozens of people in his jail who have never been convicted of any crime. But the average American apparently thinks that whole "fair trial" thingy is just a quaint tradition that is irrelevant today. Sad. Just sad. Our founding fathers gave us a Republic, and we're pissing it away because, apparently, democracy is just too much hassle for the average American today.

-- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin


  1. That would be the same P.G. County Police Department that recently had a suspect in a cop-killing get mysteriously beaten to death in one of its jail cells. It was also the police department that had one of its "homeland security" officials shoot and kill a couple guys who were coming to repossess his home entertainment system. (Why does a COUNTY need a Heimat Seicherheit -- excuse me, "Homeland Security" -- department anyway?)

    That would be the same P.G. County where a police officer smashed me between the eyes with a billy club while my hands were cuffed behind my back in the basement of the lock-up in Upper Marlboro. (They had busted me for drunk driving during my crazed college days in 1981. I was definitely guilty, and I was taunting them by saying "I wish Terrence Johnson was here to help me." I'm a world-class snarker even when I'm blind drunk.) On the bright side, the cop was kind enough to take my glasses off before he clubbed me, the gory pictures of my black eye and the blood-crusted stitches between my eyes helped convince a judge to let me off without even a weekend of jail time.

    I grew up mostly in P.G. County, so I follow the news from there. When I was young, it was a white cracker place that identified with the Confederate South. Since then, it's changed into a majority-black place where the cookie-cutter subdivisions are filled with middle-class African-Americans. (The inside-the-Beltway apartment complexes are as black as they ever were.) The skin colour of the population has changed, but the brutality remains the same.

  2. You got it, the one and the same. And the sad thing is, it never changes. And it never changes because a) no jury in PGC will convict cops of murder, b) no voters in PGC will vote to kick out DA's who refuse to charge cops, and c) voters in PGC continue to vote for people who do nothing to purge the PGC police department of those who brutalize the inhabitants. Because most Americans, it seems, *want* police to be judge, jury, and executioner. That whole "democracy" thing, apparently, is just too much work for them...

    - Badtux the "They gave us a republic, and we pissed on it" Penguin

  3. Place sounds like hell on earth. In which case, the voters in PG County deserve what they get.

    Here in NYC, people gasp with horror at police brutality, but then juries let the cops in question off the hook.

    So it goes. *sigh*

  4. Don't you worry none about the Constitution. As LordGodKing Dick'n'George has said, "It's just a goddamned piece of paper."


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