Monday, September 05, 2005

Those "savages" from New Orleans

Among the volunteers wearing sanitized gloves and picking up trash in the Astrodome, a young girl wearing a pink wrist band had joined the crew. She’d found a broom, dustpan and plastic bag and began sweeping up trash.

“Are you looking for someone?’’ she asked upon spotting a reporter watching the names of missing persons flash on a scoreboard – about 10 per minute.

Her name was Doja Dickson, a skinny 9-year-old with long braids who had evacuated from New Orleans with her parents and sister. Her father, Wilbert, his eyes weary but his thin gray beard neatly trimmed, straightened up the family’s bags stored on the orange, cushioned seats in the Astrodome grandstand as his daughter swept up trash.

“We already left a mess behind us,’’ he said, referring to the devastation in New Orleans. “So we want to keep this place clean.’’

-- New Orleans Times-Picayune

And another:

I saw a looter on TV.

They showed a guy with cases and cases of water and boxes of fruit. He had them on some sort of trolley.

He wheeled the trolley up to several people - probably about ten - who sat in lawn chairs on a side walk.

The "looter" handed out bottles of water and the fruit to each person sitting on that street. The people took the water and fruit with nods of thanks. Some people only took one piece of fruit and the "looter" gave them two or three more.

No one rushed the man to take the water or the fruit. There was not a rush on his kitty.

The "looter" then proceeded down the street with his water and fruit where you could see in the distance there were others waiting patiently on the sidewalk for the rescue they had been promised.

The "looter" was the only rescue they would see for a while, but I think he was a hero.

-- Daily Kos

These are the people that the freepers call savages...

- Badtux the "Lost my snark, for the moment" Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the biggest share of the "looters" are not looting to increase their wealth. They are "looting" to help the lives of others. The teamwork that those people, going through the horrors, is truly something to admire. "Looters!" Stupid freepers. I feel more and more disgust for them, as I read, and hear, the crap they spew!


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