- Bush administration official arrested in corruption probe. Corruption in the Bush administration? Nah, couldn't be!
- Three weeks after storm, FEMA still isn't there.
- Bush pushes military rule. A machine-gun-tottin' soldier at every streetcorner demanding "Your papers, please!" apparently makes the Shrubya's li'l soldier salute.
- Doctor at Charity Hospital: Critically ill patients at public hospital forced to wait behind relatively fit patients from private hospital to be evacuated.
- Doctor in charge of airport triage: requests to FEMA for supplies went unanswered, she said. She still doesn't know why. Also says: For several hours on Sept. 2 while Bush toured the Gulf Coast in a helicopter, stopping here and there for photos and interviews, all air traffic was shut down at the airport. Helicopters could not deliver patients and medical evacuees backed up at the hospital.
- Minister, rescuer, National Guardsman, about to be sent to Iraq: deeply unimpressed with the official response. "While they (government officials) were posturing, the little people of New Orleans were dying by the hundreds, and possibly thousands," he said. "And if it's not thousands, it's because of all the volunteers. The state was not proactive or reactive - it was inactive."
- "Hurricane" George worst natural disaster to hit America.
- Dismantlement of FEMA noted in January as disaster managers begged Hastert to do something about disaster funding being looted.
- Yeah, those New Orleans cops are just slackers, eh?
- More on those slacker New Orleans cops.
- ... more to come ...
1 hour ago
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