Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The need for sex education

Do you really believe that Bristol Palin would be pregnant if her right-wing loonie mother had allowed the schools to teach her real sex education?

Just sayin'. Bristol Palin is proof that even the children of tighty righties can figure out that if you put peg A into slot B, the result is fun, fun, fun. Rather than idiotic "chastity pledges" and shit like that, wouldn't it be a good thing to teach kids her age that if you put peg A into slot B, the result is a baby nine months later? And, uhm, that, well, y'know, a condom, will prevent both transmitting diseases and unwanted pregnancies if used properly?

But hey, I keep forgetting, I live in this funny "reality" place, not in the psychotic la-la land where not teaching sex ed means kids stop putting peg A into slot B, chastity pledges work, and pigs fly. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Silly Penguin. Choices like whether to be diseased or pregnant are supposed to go right out the guilt-gate when that evil, sinful, girl decides to have sex!

    I mean, gee, you want a world with no CONSEQUENCES or something??!

    Ok.....going away to puke of sarcasm overdose now.

  2. Bristol is a doughy white girl with Jocktastic taste in mens. Lucky for her that moms was the choice of the radical wing of the GOP


  3. Unlucky for her, you mean. If not for this, her pregnancy would have gone unremarked outside of Moose Ankle, Alaska (population more or less). But you nominate a tighty rightie for President then the failure of said tighty rightie's sex education policies becomes an issue. And that, sadly, is an issue that poor Bristol is in the middle of as an example of said failure who isn't the whore of Babylon as the tightie righties often like to paint unwed mothers.

    In a just world, Sarah Palin would have turned down the Veep nomination and her daughter would be completely out of the picture. But sad to say, a candidate's family is no longer off limit nowdays. Just look at how the tightie righties are attacking Michelle Obama, even though Barack, not Michelle, is the one running for President. In this case at least nobody is attacking Bristol as a slut or a whore or a terrorist fist-jabber or otherwise making a personal attack on her. They're just using her as an example of how tighty rightie policies on sex education fail even children from "good" families.

    -- Badtux the Policy Penguin

  4. "Just look at how the tightie righties are attacking Michelle Obama, even though Barack, not Michelle, is the one running for President."

    Michelle became fair game when she went out and started stumping for her husband.

  5. "Fair game". That pretty much tells us right away what you think politics is about. It's a game to you, rather than a process of selecting the best people to lead the nation. How... Republican... of you.

    The spouse of every Presidential candidate for the past 200 years has campaigned for her husband. But it wasn't until Rethuglicans brought their politics of destruction to the fore that Presidential spouses became "fair game". Just another example of how the old politics of personal destruction have led to a coursening and cheapening of the public discourse and the election of unserious Presidents who have had a disasterous effect upon the nation's health and welfare...

    -- Badtux the Politics Penguin

  6. I definitely agree.
    Bristol Palin should give more blowjobs.
    She needs to work it good.
    Attend some seminar or something.

    Following that seminar, I would like to place a bucket of water on her head and force her to walk a mile to see if she spills a drop (re: Fine Girl, Zappa, Frank).

    Other than that, there is a very real chance that, for the first time in history, I might actually care to put it in the Vice-President's butt.

    Sorry, Cheney. No cigar.

  7. Whoa!!

    I think you went off the edge, Mr Penguin.

    That whole "fair game" phrase is about hunting, not AD&D.
    Be real.

  8. I have to agree with the post and that sex education is the best way to prevent pregnancy in young teens and for that matter young adults. "Just say NO!" went out with the Reagan's.

  9. My literature teacher always said that I should avoid cliches like the plague. So where does the line between surrogate, whose politics become subject to criticism, and spouse end?

  10. and she would scold me for that horrible formed sentence I just wrote.

    Where does the line between surrogate and spouse lie?


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