Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Cultural definitions of beauty

Y'know, I'm just not turned on by this next photo. But a friend of mine from India was, like, "hubba hubba!". Because apparently for Indians, this gal is really sexy looking. Though he wondered about the gun. But then I explained to him that American vice presidents had to have a gun in case there is a random lawyer around who needs shooting in the face, and he seemed to get it. Needless to say I am completely corrupting him about what American politics is like, though he does say that my descriptions of things sound almost... Indian... in their gleeful corruption. Still, while apparently that is a beauty by Indian (and apparently Alaskan) standards, it doesn't do anything for me. I prefer more athletic gals, like those beach volleyball gals that Preznit Bush patted on the ass when he was in Beijing. Hubba hubba!

Still, I must admit that she is more pleasant to look at in a bathing suit than this person: Yeah, Dick Cheney ain't exactly a fashion plate, man tits and all. If you are going to choose vice presidents based on looks, gotta admit she's the most pleasant looking of the lot, thunder thighs or no.

-- Badtux the Sexist Penguin


  1. The Palin picture is a fake. I saw the two original pieces in one of the politiblogs I read today. I could probably find the post if you're interested; if not, I won't bother. I wish the Cheney picture was a fake. He's much easier on the eyes (if not national policy) when he's in an undisclosed location.

  2. Sadly No! has the full gory details of the photoshop done on this picture, Tux.

  3. Dear Penguin, those are truly bush-league (haha pun unintended but too natural) thunder thighs. Phony pic or not, couldn't they find REAL thighs like mine? (Oh, and the last man from India I knew thought I was delectible...just saying, and doubly so for being exotically blonde.)

  4. I assumed it was a fake. Pentecostals generally don't pose in flag bikinis, in case you're not aware. I was also looking for a fake picture of Dick Cheney as published by Jesus's General during his Greco-Roman Wrestling era. That is a fake picture of Dick Cheney, right? If not, I'll replace it with a fake ASAP, I was close to the point of photoshopping one when I saw that photo...

    The point being that the body type is right for both of these (go look at Palin's thunder-thighed photos from her high school basketball playing days), and that cultural definitions of beauty (she was a runner-up for Miss Alaska, thunder thighs and all) sure are interesting. Well, that and the way I'm corrupting my Indian office-mate, heh!

    - Badtux the Photoshopping Penguin


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