Friday, May 19, 2006

Yeah, that tough love really worked.

Remember that pudgy low-IQ 12 year old who was sentenced to life in jail for murder after he beat up a little kid and the little kid died? Well, apparently it scared him straight. Err... yeah right! Now he's going to jail for life for, amongst other stupid crimes, sticking up a Domino's Pizza delivery dude at gunpoint because he was hungry for pizza. We the people will be paying over $120,000 per year to keep him in a cage for probably the rest of his natural life.

But spending $50,000 on providing proper prenatal care and nutrition and schooling and medical care when he was a fetus and young child so that he wouldn't be low-IQ was too expensive. Can't coddle those poor people, y'know? Why, if we did... they might turn out to be decent citizens, instead of depraved criminals, and where's the fun in that?!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, your comment ignores the fact that many of our biggest, most vicious "criminals" are the pampered scions of the elite. W, Ken Lay, Rupert Murdoch, various kings and lords, etc. etc. :(


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