Sunday, May 07, 2006

Are cats a liquid or a solid?

Just wonderin'. I pick mine up, I could swear they're a liquid. They just kinda pour out of my hands, y'know?

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Cats are made of a special substance originating on the planet... erm.. cat. You know, where they originally came from... or something.

    My second guess is they are slinkies covered in fur.

  2. I actually tried that experiment. Hint: Cat trumps toast. Cat's feet touched the ground, and cat ran off. Which is what you'd expect. After all, cats have a far larger brain than a slice of toast, and brainpower overpowers, err, toast power.

    - Badtux the Experimental Penguin

  3. Interesting. I have a colleague here that said, "The answer is obvious. Two constants are in play here.

    First, as we know a cat will always land on its feet. Also, an axiom of Murphy’s Law also tells us that any slice of bread will always land buttered side down. With the buttered side of the bread and the cat’s feet pointing in opposite directions, when released the cat configured as described will spin above the earth’s surface indefinitely as neither law can be violated.

    If it were not for the fact that doing this would be extremely cruel to the cat, this device if replicated and deployed could theoretically be a tremendous source of pollution free alternative energy that could save the US millions of barrels of foreign oil annually."

    I guess you've blown our theory.

  4. Indeed. Your theory presupposes that there are equal and opposite forces involved here. However, anybody owned by cats knows there is nothing equal about cats. Their force is far superior to what would be supposed given their size and general phlegmatic disposition. And as any physicist (or football player) can tell you, when there is unequal force involved, the stronger force wins. The stronger force, in this case, being the force of will of the cat, which wishes desperately to get its feet underneath it and thereby completely overwhelms the force of the toast attempting to place its jam face-down.

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


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