Tuesday, May 16, 2006

77,000 words

In the crime novel, that is. And I exported it from OpenOffice format back to plain text and created an Emacs macro to take the OpenOffice plain text and turn it into a good text file that can easily be re-imported back into OpenOffice. Together with some other format changes I made, I can flip between chapters with a single key as well as do split-screen between chapters so that I can move material from one place to another without having to flip all over the place. Emacs rocks. Why can't somebody write a word processor with the kind of text processing capabilities of Emacs?

Still major, major work going on in the guts of the thing. Some of those words are going to get cut out. We got two new characters, the villain gets introduced earlier, the victim spends more time with Kathy before he gets whacked, Connie gets a bigger role earlier and is more, err, hormonal, and that's just the part I've (re)written so far, about 1/3rd of the way through.

Once I have a second draft that's long enough to be "real", then I have to figure out what to do with it...

- Badtux the Scribbling Penguin

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