Saturday, May 13, 2006

@#$%@ DSL

My Internet provider recently was taken over by a Florida company. Now, my Internet provider wasn't all that great. They only had 1.5 megabit total throughput. But it was a full T-1 for my entire building, and I could VPN to work and get reasonable throughput.

Anyhow, this Florida company comes in, and the first thing they want to do is a) make things cheaper, and b) up the throughput. So what do they do? They up the throughput alright -- but only for downloads. Now it's 3.5 megabit downloads (shared amongst all subscribers in my building)... but only 512kbit upload. Which makes VPN to work *suck*.

Furthermore, DSL goes down all the time. That's a rule of thumb, by the way -- DSL is about as reliable as spit. It's a function of the technology. It goes through the switched-circuit system and pushes it to the max.

So here I am, browsing the Internet, looking for some parts for my motorcycle... and my Internet connection goes down. It sounds like my Internet experience has been "improved", alright... any more "improved", and I'll be reduced to tin can and string.

-- Badtux the Modem Penguin
(Until they get my freakin' high speed Internet back up! Stuck at GSM/GPRS EDGE speeds, i.e., roughly 128kbit/sec, until then).

1 comment:

  1. Damn, Badtux, you need to get yourself some broadband cable internet access on that iceburg of yours. DSL sucks the hind teat.


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