Sunday, May 21, 2006

Supporting the Great Satan

Okay, here's the problem: My truck needs new tires. Now, the problem is that it needs new tires in a weird size -- P205/75R15. Very few truck tires are made in this size nowdays. The tire I wanted to put on here, made by Firestone, has been discontinued. I found a Dunlop at Big O Tires -- for $82 apiece plus $23 (each) installation and balancing. And finally, there's this "Liberator" tire at Wal-Mart -- for $53.95 apiece, with $9.95/ea. lifetime balancing plus road hazard warranty. Looking on the Internets, this tire is made by Michelin/Uniroyal/BF Goodrich (all the same company), and has a reasonable reputation as a good truck tire.

Hmm. Save $160 by going to Wally World. I'd love to *not* support the Great Satan (Wal-Mart). But everybody else has abandoned me or wants to rip me off... you can buy a lot of herring for $160!

- Badtux the Satan-supporting Penguin


  1. Resistance is futile. You will be assimulated.

  2. I despise Wal-Mart, but it's damned hard not to shop there if you actually work for a living.

  3. Maybe the tires are so hevily discounted that even walmart isn't making anything on them?

  4. Hi, the main problem is that my small truck was originally designed for 14" tires back in the early 1980's (even though it came equipped with 15" tires standard by the time the late 1990's arrived) and thus has very limited clearance inside its wheelwells. The big problem is width. At either left lock or right lock, the tire rubs against either the fender or the sway bar. And that's with the stock width. A tire that's even wider, like the P215/70R15, would be even worse. Rather than a light rubbing, it'd be downright dangerous.

    There are some things that can be done to adjust the power steering so that it won't allow the wheels to turn as far, but given that my truck is rather long and unweildy at the current adjustment (my truck is an extended wheelbase model), I think I'll pass on that and go with the OEM size.


  5. I would have loved to have paid only $82 for my new tires...

    Sometimes you have to do the evil deed and buy from Wally. When I was in Kansas last month and we had two days of rain, my loafers struck an iceberg, apparently, and I had wet feet just crossing the parking lot. The only place to get shoes quickly was the Evil Place, so for $29 I got a good pair of Earth Shoes. I wince at the thought of supporting the company even for such a small amount, but it was that or wear trashbags on my feet. I don't have the wheel-well clearance for that.


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